Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Reflections on a Long Day!

Today, I didn't feel like working, so I decided to take care of the 90-day report, which I planned to complete this week. I left home around 10 a.m. and arrived there after 11 a.m. My ticket number was 415. I had never seen that number before and wondered if it was a mistake, but later I realized it was real. Yesterday was a holiday, and I realized too late that I had chosen the wrong day.

I decided to make the best of it by enjoying myself a little and also chatting about work-related things through messaging apps. I found out that I needed to contribute something, and that made me happy and excited. 

I finished around 4:45 p.m. and chose not to take a motorcycle taxi because the one I took on my way there was very dangerous. There was no proper place to hold on to at the back, so I had to hold onto the rider's shoulder, which was very uncomfortable. Instead, I tried to grip the small space available on the seat as much as possible, thinking I might fall off at any moment.

I waited for the car taxi I booked through an app, and it took about 25 minutes to arrive. Due to the traffic at that time, it took about 45 minutes to reach the BTS station, which usually only takes about 8 minutes by motorcycle. Still, I decided not to let it bother me. I took a deep breath and smiled.

While walking on the skywalk near the station, I saw a beautiful sunset and took a few pictures. However, the photos didn’t capture the beauty I saw with my eyes. The train was overcrowded, and I had to stand for a few stops. I had a journey of over an hour ahead and really wanted to sit, so I was glad when I finally found a seat. It was unusually cold on the train, even with the crowd.

I got home around 7 p.m., feeling hungry. I quickly cooked and ate with some leftover riceberry I had made yesterday. I didn’t dare to use much soy sauce, worrying about my blood pressure, so the sweet taste of fresh tomatoes became an essential part of my dish.

Recently, I came across some YouTube videos praising 93-year-old women who look like they’re 55 or 56. If looking 55 or 56 is considered a good thing, then I should appreciate how I look now, at 52, almost 53—still three years younger than 55. Even if I look exactly my age, I should still appreciate it. This realization feels new.

At 93, I might not look like I’m 55, so I should enjoy how I look now. I may not live to 93, but if I do, I want to stay active and keep doing my work, just like the 94-year-old model who is still going strong.

I’m writing this because I feel like talking to someone, but I don’t want to bother anyone right now. Lately, I’ve been feeling a bit lonely and have considered going to stay with my brother and his family for a while. But at the same time, I don’t want to be a burden to them. I know this feeling is just temporary, and it will change soon. I’ll be occupied with my tasks and will eventually forget all of this.

These are just some of my random thoughts after a long day. 

A Photo I Took Today

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