Monday, September 16, 2024

Beyond the Surface!

Yesterday, I met someone by mail and over the phone by chance. I discovered that she is more interested in developing skills in her areas of interest than pursuing work that pays more. We started chatting through a phone app, and I realized I’m not the only person who feels this way, which made me happy to meet her.

I’m now connecting her to places where she can volunteer and develop her skills, and I feel a little better about myself because of it. Not everyone is always thinking about money and success. 

Sometimes, I feel that people see others as objects, which prevents them from truly hearing their wishes, dreams, and interests. Objectification can be seen in all areas of life.

If you're married to or in a relationship with someone who sees you as an object, it can feel like hell. Similar things can happen in the workplace. If your supervisor or employer views you as an object, your growth and contributions won’t be valued. You’ll be seen merely as a tool to complete tasks, and that’s it. There will be no empathy or sympathy. Even in friendships, someone can treat you as their emotional outlet instead of as a true friend.

The human world is complicated, and sometimes simple things become difficult because of egos and irrationalities. I’m reminded of the words of a former supervisor who said, ‘If people like you, you can get things done quicker.’ He managed to make almost everyone like him when he held certain positions, but when he reached a top position, I noticed he started to struggle with maintaining that. However, I understand that his teaching remains true: we make most of our decisions based on emotions rather than rationality, so likes and dislikes really do matter in getting things done.

Nevertheless, we can’t make everyone like us all the time, as everyone has their own way of seeing things and people through their biases. For that reason, I’m more interested in being myself than in trying to make others like me. Some may see me as part of their in-group, some may see me as part of the out-group, some may objectify me, and some may relate to me. I just need to accept that and let go of the desire to control how others perceive me.

These are some thoughts that came to me in the early hours of this morning.

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