Monday, September 2, 2024

Filters and Hidden Biases!

These days, I need to communicate with people more than usual due to certain reasons. During our conversations, I realized that people filtered out the information I gave them. Later, I reflected and thought that they already had certain information embedded in their minds, and therefore, they filtered these things out.

Instead of feeling frustrated, sad, or mad, I looked for strategies. One thing I tried was letting them talk to someone they trusted. Later, they came back with the same information I had given them, but they relayed it in an enthusiastic and trusted way. I wondered if they even heard me when I first shared that information.

This happens every day, all over the world. Sometimes it's harmless; sometimes, it's harmful. I believe it stems from hidden biases within everyone. Even today, even in countries like the United States, innocent Black people are killed, arrested, or wrongly accused. Based on a country's political situation, certain visa approvals can be denied. Sometimes, it has nothing to do with you, your integrity, your work, or your trustworthiness. It has to do with hidden biases and filters.

As a Buddhist, I can easily accept these as part of our karma. If we are doing good things but facing bad things, it may be due to our past misdeeds that we cannot remember. So, in conclusion, it is our fault anyway. This acceptance is good for maintaining our sanity, even though it may not make any difference in anyone else's life.

I didn’t know about my own blind spots until I took a test I found in a book I read. My eyes saw things that didn’t exist; they filled out the pattern by themselves. It’s just part of being human, and raising awareness is the only thing I can do. We all have our own blind spots, but how many and how large they are can differ. I wrote a short article about it once, and I think I did something worthwhile.

I am learning a lot from the history of Black people as well as their current activism. I may not be able to make a huge difference, but I may be able to save a few lives or make life easier for a few people. 

These are some thoughts that came to mind this morning.

Image created with AI

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