Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Quiet Beauty of Self-Love!

Yesterday, I tried to be as lazy as possible and ordered food for the whole day in the morning. I slept for a few hours, and then in the afternoon, I couldn’t resist working for about two hours.

Today, I wrote a follow-up email to someone and realized only hours later that they had faced a hurricane threat and that their area was now flooding. I felt horrible for sending the follow-up email.

I ate a lot in the morning and had to wait about three hours before swimming, so my swimming time was pushed to near midday. There were two boys and a man in the pool, but they didn’t disturb me, and I was able to enjoy my swim.

I was sick and tired of fighting with people who take videos of me, and I told myself I would just ignore them this time. However, two separate people recorded videos of me again today at different times. It was too obvious that they weren't just checking their phones but recording my swim. I tried to tell myself, "Well, you’re 53, let it go. Peacefully donate your beauty." Thankfully, they didn’t record for very long.

I couldn't sleep during the day today, so I just meditated and rested for a while. In the evening, I needed to buy toner for my printer, so I went to a place I occasionally visit. There was a Shan restaurant nearby, and I bought some food that reminded me of home. I know I get homesick when I miss certain foods.

After watching some makeup tutorials, I became curious about bronzer, so I looked for a cheap bronzer stick to try. The woman at the store tried to show me concealer instead of bronzer. It felt like she was telling me, "Your face needs concealer, and bronzer won’t do the magic anymore." Anyway, I was curious, so I bought one from a different store. It cost just over 50 Baht.

While I was waiting for my toner refill, I checked myself in a mirror and thought, "Maybe I shouldn’t try any new makeup tricks anymore. It’s obviously too late." Nevertheless, I told myself, "Don’t worry, I still love you."

I bought a few groceries and headed home on the same small bus, which costs only 10 Baht. I always get off at the wrong stop, and this time, I was thinking of trying a different stop. There was a girl, about 10 years old, on the bus with me, and I was curious to see her alone on this small bus. I got off where she did and found it was the best place to cross the road and head home. Why did I make my life harder before?

Well, it wasn’t just that—I’ve made my life harder in many ways from time to time. These days, I’m realizing that bullying and gaslighting can’t affect people who are deeply secure within themselves. The only way to overcome these issues is to love ourselves unconditionally. If you feel good about yourself, no one can really bully or gaslight you.

Since we’re human, with flaws and sometimes past wounds and traumas, it can be difficult to love ourselves. This is why we sometimes become victims of selfish people. Many people enjoy hurting others and witnessing their pain, and social media provides plenty of proof. People can bully or gaslight you to death without feeling a shred of guilt.

If I had a daughter, I would teach her to love herself unconditionally. Since I don’t have a daughter, I’m still teaching myself to love myself unconditionally. When you truly love yourself, those negative people will just fall away from your life. You don’t really need them.

These are some of my thoughts and activities from today.

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