Monday, October 7, 2024

Capturing the Little Moments!

Yesterday, I had a little bit of cramp in my abdominal muscle. I was holding my belly during that time, and someone asked me, 'Are you pregnant?' Instead of being mad, I was overjoyed. I thought, 'She thinks I am still at the age I can get pregnant.' Well, it was a funny revelation.

My blood pressure went back to normal, but I didn’t dare swim yesterday. I saw that it could shoot up at any moment, so I decided not to do strenuous activities and just walked a little inside our compound. This situation is forcing me to change my eating habits, which I have been careless with since 2019. Now, I can no longer afford to continue living like that.

My frying pan was no longer in good shape, so I decided to order a new one instead of going out to buy it. I decided to cook more, so I need to invest in kitchen equipment.

Now, if I’m hungry, I need to cook, and therefore, I’ve been pretty occupied with cooking tasks.

I also received very good news yesterday. It was something I had been praying for but not really expecting to happen. However, it did happen, and I felt like I was walking in a dream. It was like a miracle to me. 

This is the kind of moment when I need to pause and savor. Good things don’t always come to pass, and bad things don’t always stay either.

I still have bad and poisonous thoughts from time to time, but I’m trying to delete and replace them.

There are things beyond my control, and there are things within my control. It reminds me of the prayer of Alcoholics Anonymous: 'God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'

Anyway, these are just some of my thoughts this early morning.

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