Saturday, October 5, 2024

Mindset and Hormones!

Today, my blood pressure is not as high as it was over the past three days, but it's still not back to normal yet. I decided to take half a dose more of my medicine in the morning. At least I don’t need to take a double dose today. 

I tried to buy my blood pressure medicine yesterday, but all the three shops I went to said it was out of stock. So, I just took the medicine from a new box I had already bought, and it seemed to work.

I also changed my diet and didn’t eat anything except plain home-cooked food and fruits. In the morning, I needed to go to a place a little far from home, and I was thinking about taking a taxi. However, it would not only cost me more, but the road conditions with flooding and traffic could delay my trip, so I decided to take the train instead. 

I got a seat halfway through the journey, and it wasn’t so bad. I still needed to take a taxi from the nearest station to where I was going. It was raining, so instead of taking a motorcycle taxi as I usually do, I took a car taxi that I saw nearby.

It was the first time I took a taxi just by asking the driver directly, rather than using an app. I used to be too scared to do that, but now I feel much more comfortable, and I’ve noticed the changes in myself. As I become more familiar with the system, places, and people, I’m worrying less about possible negative situations. I’m also trying to trust people and the situations around me more these days.

Without a positive mindset and outlook, it was hard for me to give my best. Even if someone is intentionally mean to me, that’s their problem, not mine. If I can’t give my best, then it becomes my problem and my karma, so I need to change my mindset. Changing my mindset is something within my control, and I’m working on it.

The 93-year-old model inspires me to wear a little makeup and do skincare at night, something I was very lazy about before. I can already feel changes in my skin tone within just a few days. 

I am feeling slight chest pain on my left side, and I’m a bit worried about my heart. With all the intense emotional ups and downs throughout my life, I’ve worried about my heart for a long time, but I think estrogen has protected it for a while. Now that its levels are decreasing, I should really be concerned.

With every episode of high blood pressure, the end organs suffer, and the heart is one of them. That’s why we need to keep our blood pressure at an optimal level. I just hope it’s not too late to take care of my emotions, blood pressure, and eating habits.

A YouTube video mentioned that women are more likely to feel depressed between the ages of 50 and 55, and there’s also a higher rate of suicide. I looked up more information and found an article that said menopause can lead to anxiety and depression, and yes, the suicide rate for women aged 45-54 actually increased by 6% over 20 years in the UK. However, after age 55, the suicide rate fell by 28%, and they believe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a contributing factor. That article was from 2021.

From the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in the United States, I also found that the suicide rate decreases with age in women after 55, which is good news. However, between 2001 and 2021, suicide rates significantly increased for men aged 55–74 and for women aged 55–84. That’s concerning. According to the data, the suicide rate is actually higher for men than for women.

Anyway, I’m starting to think more positively about HRT. These are just some of my thoughts this morning.

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