Thursday, October 3, 2024


My blood pressure went down to near normal yesterday, and things went smoothly with my appointment.

However, this morning, I found it was getting very high again.

It is at a dangerous level, so I took additional medicine and decided to rest for the day, postponing everything.

I cannot eat ready-made or outside food, so I need to cook for the day.

This morning, I am thinking about things I would like to say, but I am holding my tongue because some things are better left unsaid.

Sometimes, people just want to 'shoot the messenger' if someone delivers a message they do not want to hear.

If you know you will be shot and your message will not benefit anyone, would you still want to deliver it?

This is the question.

People who want to shoot the messenger do not deserve to know the truth and should only find out when their ship has already sunk.

But how can we know in advance who is who?

For about a decade now, I’ve used a word to remind myself not to get involved in other people’s affairs: 'NOB,' short for 'none of your business.'

In violence prevention, we want bystanders to do something.

However, our day-to-day experiences encourage us to be indifferent bystanders.

Later, the whole society pays a huge price for this.

I have witnessed, in a nosy community, how people did not intervene in any form of domestic violence around them.

It was for them to listen and gossip about later.

They did not think it was their responsibility to do anything about it; it was just their entertainment.

It is funny and juicy until it happens to you.

Anyway, these are just some of my thoughts related to 'NOB' today, and I need to mind my own business with my high blood pressure for the day.

Image generated with AI

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